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6 posts tagged with "command line"

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· 2 min read

I usually create a requirements.txt when I start a new Python project. I will do something like this:

# Create a new project
mkdir new-project
cd new-project

# Create requirements.txt
tee -a requirements.txt <<EOF

# Create a virtual environment and install dependencies
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

This lets me get a new project up and running quickly. I have documented which packages I am using, which is good, but I have not documented which version of the package I am using. Since it is a new project, I want to use the latest version of every package. I could search PyPI for each package and find the latest version, but that takes a lot of time. Instead, I only document the package name in my initial requirements.txt. When I am ready to pin the versions, I use this bash script to check the version I have installed for each dependency listed in requirements.txt:

python -m pip freeze | grep -E $(cat requirements.txt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/==|/g')

The result will be something like this:


· 2 min read

At the start of the month I wrote a blog post about how to use 1Password for managing all of your secrets on the command line: How to use 1Password for Secrets in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc. After 1 month of using this approach in the wild, I have a few updates.

My primary problem was that it was very annoying to authenticate every time I opened a new terminal session. But... liked the idea of using 1Password to store all of my secrets, and not copying and pasting secrets into my startup scripts.

After some experimentation, I found a compromise that works for me.

export DOTFILES_DIR="${HOME}/.dotfiles"

# If zhs/secrets-out.zsh does not exist, create it.

if [ ! -f "$secrets_out_path" ]; then
echo "Creating ${secrets_out_path}..."
op --account "" inject --in-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" --out-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"

# Check to see that if after removing everything to the right of `=` in
# zsh/secrets-in.zsh and zsh/secrets-out.zsh, the files are the same. If they
# are the same do nothing. If the are different create an updated version of
# zsh/secrets-out.zsh.
secrets_in_no_values=$(cat "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" | sed 's/=.*//' | base64)
secrets_out_no_values=$(cat "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh" | sed 's/=.*//' | base64)

if [ ! "$secrets_in_no_values" = "$secrets_out_no_values" ]; then
echo "Secrets have changed... Updating ${secrets_out_path}"
rm "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"
op --account "" inject --in-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" --out-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"

· 2 min read

A new blog post has been written about this topic! Check out How to use 1Password for Secrets in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc (UPDATE).

1Password is a password manager. Over the years, I have tried LastPass, BitWarden, and 1Password. Out of the three, 1Password has been my favourite. The Mac app, browser extension, and IOS app are well-polished. One of my favourite parts about 1Password is the ability to access passwords using the 1Password CLI.

Using op inject for secrets

I recently discovered a pattern to use the 1Password CLI to store all of my secrets in my dotfiles:

# ~/.zshrc
op inject --in-file "${HOME}/.dotfiles/secrets.zsh" | while read -r line; do
eval "$line"
# ~/.dotfiles/secrets.zsh
export NOTION_API_KEY="op://private/"
export TEST_PYPI_TOKEN="op://private/"

· One min read

VS Code has a built in feature that allows you to send code directly from the editor to the terminal. By default, it is not assigned to any shortcut. You can assign it to a shortcut by adding the following to your keybindings.json file.

  • Open the command pallet using cmd + shift + p.
  • Type Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)
  • Then edit the keybindings.json file:
// Send selected bash code to terminal
"key": "shift+enter",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !findInputFocussed && !replaceInputFocussed && editorLangId == 'shellscript'"

The when key ensures that this shortcut is only active when you are working on a Shell Script file. Here is an example of the shortcut in action.

Gif of the sending shell script from the editor to the terminal.