How to use 1Password for Secrets in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc (UPDATE)

November 28, 2023

At the start of the month I wrote a blog post about how to use 1Password for managing all of your secrets on the command line: How to use 1Password for Secrets in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc. After 1 month of using this approach in the wild, I have a few updates.

My primary problem was that it was very annoying to authenticate every time I opened a new terminal session. But… liked the idea of using 1Password to store all of my secrets, and not copying and pasting secrets into my startup scripts.

After some experimentation, I found a compromise that works for me.

Terminal window
export DOTFILES_DIR="${HOME}/.dotfiles"
# If zhs/secrets-out.zsh does not exist, create it.
if [ ! -f "$secrets_out_path" ]; then
echo "Creating ${secrets_out_path}..."
op --account "" inject --in-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" --out-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"
# Check to see that if after removing everything to the right of `=` in
# zsh/secrets-in.zsh and zsh/secrets-out.zsh, the files are the same. If they
# are the same do nothing. If the are different create an updated version of
# zsh/secrets-out.zsh.
secrets_in_no_values=$(cat "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" | sed 's/=.*//' | base64)
secrets_out_no_values=$(cat "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh" | sed 's/=.*//' | base64)
if [ ! "$secrets_in_no_values" = "$secrets_out_no_values" ]; then
echo "Secrets have changed... Updating ${secrets_out_path}"
rm "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"
op --account "" inject --in-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" --out-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"
  • In the previous version, the op inject command was run every time I opened a new terminal session, which required me to authenticate every session.
  • Now, the op inject command is only run when the zsh/secrets-out.zsh file does not exist, or when the zsh/secrets-in.zsh file has changed. Only in one of those two circumstances will I be prompted to authenticate.

This approach does introduce a new downside however. There is now a file on my disk "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh" that stores secrets in plain text (similar to what I did before). But now that I am using 1Password to manage this file I do not need to manually update this file.

I also created an alias so I can manually update the secrets if I need to. For example if I were to change a password in 1Password.

Terminal window
alias update-secrets='rm "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh" && op --account "" inject --in-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-in.zsh" --out-file "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh" && source "${DOTFILES_DIR}/zsh/secrets-out.zsh"'