Using DuckDB to Query Kobo Data

June 23, 2024

I have a Kobo eReader that I use for most of my reading. After finishing a recent book, I wanted to review all the highlights and annotations I had made. Kobo provides a built-in way to do this, but the device is rather slow, and the screen is small. This made it challenging to quickly review all my notes.

After conducting some research, I learned that Kobo uses an on device SQLite database under the hood. Around this time, I was also exploring DuckDB, so I thought this could be an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into DuckDB.

Locating the SQLite Database

To find the database, you will need to connect your Kobo to your computer. One mounted, you can find the database at .kobo/KoboReader.sqlite. On my Mac, the full path is:

Terminal window

Reading Kobo Data into DuckDB

You can read the sqlite database directly into DuckDB. Use the -readonly flag to ensure tha you don’t accidentally write to the database.

Terminal window
duckdb -readonly /Volumes/KOBOeReader/.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite
│ name │
│ varchar │
│ AbTest │
│ Achievement │
│ Activity │
│ AnalyticsEvents │
│ Authors │
│ BookAuthors │
│ Bookmark │
│ DbVersion │
│ DropboxItem │
│ Event │
│ GDriveItem │
│ KoboPlusAssetGroup │
│ KoboPlusAssets │
│ OverDriveCards │
│ OverDriveCheckoutBook │
│ OverDriveLibrary │
│ Reviews │
│ Rules │
│ Shelf │
│ ShelfContent │
│ SubscriptionProducts │
│ SyncQueue │
│ Tab │
│ Wishlist │
│ WordList │
│ content │
│ content_keys │
│ content_settings │
│ ratings │
│ shortcover_page │
│ user │
│ volume_shortcovers │
│ volume_tabs │
│ 33 rows │

I learned from trial and error that the columns do not all have consistent types.

Mismatch Type Error: Invalid type in column "Hidden": column was declared as integer, found "false" of type "text" instead.

To get around this change the following sqlite setting:

SET GLOBAL sqlite_all_varchar = true;
│ BookmarkID │ VolumeID │ … │ ContextString │ Type │
│ varchar │ varchar │ │ varchar │ varchar │
│ 80b095b7-25f7-4476… │ 2cbaa292-7eeb-4388… │ … │ The food trays are… │ dogear │
│ 57bf2ec7-1d2a-49df… │ 27f9517f-0f38-4ea7… │ … │ I nodded a bit gri… │ dogear │
│ ac011d90-1abc-48dd… │ 866f442e-2078-43c3… │ … │ │ highlight │
│ 3 rows 24 columns (4 shown) │

DuckDB Basics

There are several functions I found to be the most useful while exploring the data.

  • SHOW TABLES; - Display all tables in the database.
  • DESCRIBE <table>; - Display all column names and types
  • .maxrows <n> - Limit the number of rows displayed.
│ name │
│ varchar │
│ AbTest │
│ Achievement │
│ Activity │
│ AnalyticsEvents │
│ Authors │
│ BookAuthors │
│ Bookmark │
│ DbVersion │
│ DropboxItem │
│ Event │
│ GDriveItem │
│ KoboPlusAssetGroup │
│ KoboPlusAssets │
│ OverDriveCards │
│ OverDriveCheckoutBook │
│ OverDriveLibrary │
│ Reviews │
│ Rules │
│ Shelf │
│ ShelfContent │
│ SubscriptionProducts │
│ SyncQueue │
│ Tab │
│ Wishlist │
│ WordList │
│ content │
│ content_keys │
│ content_settings │
│ ratings │
│ shortcover_page │
│ user │
│ volume_shortcovers │
│ volume_tabs │
│ 33 rows │
DESCRIBE Bookmark;
│ column_name │ column_type │ null │ key │ default │ extra │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ BookmarkID │ VARCHAR │ NO │ PRI │ │ │
│ VolumeID │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ ContentID │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ StartContainerPath │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ StartContainerChildIndex │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ StartOffset │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ EndContainerPath │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ EndContainerChildIndex │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ EndOffset │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ │ │
│ Text │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ Annotation │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ ExtraAnnotationData │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ DateCreated │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ ChapterProgress │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ 0 │ │
│ Hidden │ VARCHAR │ NO │ │ 0 │ │
│ Version │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ DateModified │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ Creator │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ UUID │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ UserID │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ SyncTime │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ Published │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ CAST('f' AS BOOLEAN) │ │
│ ContextString │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ Type │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ 24 rows 6 columns │
.maxrows 3
SELECT * FROM Bookmark;
│ BookmarkID │ VolumeID │ ContentID │ StartContainerPath │ … │ SyncTime │ Published │ ContextString │ Type │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ 80b095b7-25f7-4476… │ 2cbaa292-7eeb-4388… │ 2cbaa292-7eeb-4388… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Novi_9… │ … │ 2022-12-30T15:24:41Z │ false │ The food trays are… │ dogear │
│ 57bf2ec7-1d2a-49df… │ 27f9517f-0f38-4ea7… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Novi_9… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Novi_9… │ … │ 2023-03-07T06:17:47Z │ false │ I nodded a bit gri… │ dogear │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ c18c2ca2-393b-4eda… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ OEBPS/Text/chapter… │ … │ │ false │ │ highlight │
│ 31 rows (3 shown) 24 columns (8 shown) │
.maxrows 10
SELECT * FROM Bookmark;
│ BookmarkID │ VolumeID │ ContentID │ StartContainerPath │ … │ SyncTime │ Published │ ContextString │ Type │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ 80b095b7-25f7-4476… │ 2cbaa292-7eeb-4388… │ 2cbaa292-7eeb-4388… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Novi_9… │ … │ 2022-12-30T15:24:41Z │ false │ The food trays are… │ dogear │
│ 57bf2ec7-1d2a-49df… │ 27f9517f-0f38-4ea7… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Novi_9… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Novi_9… │ … │ 2023-03-07T06:17:47Z │ false │ I nodded a bit gri… │ dogear │
│ ac011d90-1abc-48dd… │ 866f442e-2078-43c3… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Bogd_9… │ span#kobo\.114\.3 │ … │ 2023-08-16T11:57:56Z │ false │ │ highlight │
│ 0869a5e2-fa89-4f3b… │ 866f442e-2078-43c3… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Bogd_9… │ span#kobo\.115\.1 │ … │ 2023-08-16T11:57:56Z │ false │ │ highlight │
│ 08305a0f-2142-4b8d… │ 866f442e-2078-43c3… │ OEBPS/xhtml/Bogd_9… │ span#kobo\.174\.2 │ … │ 2023-08-16T11:57:56Z │ false │ │ highlight │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ 4900a30a-8f81-499a… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ OEBPS/Text/introdu… │ … │ │ false │ │ highlight │
│ c8ecdc87-a1dd-4a36… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ OEBPS/Text/introdu… │ … │ │ false │ │ highlight │
│ 6c146f08-b82b-4991… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ OEBPS/Text/introdu… │ … │ │ false │ │ highlight │
│ 638d7b45-217d-4866… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ OEBPS/Text/chapter… │ … │ │ false │ │ highlight │
│ c18c2ca2-393b-4eda… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ file:///mnt/onboar… │ OEBPS/Text/chapter… │ … │ │ false │ │ highlight │
│ 31 rows (10 shown) 24 columns (8 shown) │

Understanding your library

I found the following tables to have the most interesting and relevant data.

  • content - Has 1 row for each chapter in each book.
  • Bookmark - Has 1 row for each highlight/annotation.

The database has a total of 33 tables, but I did not find very much useful data in the other tables.

Query: List all books

.maxrows 5
ORDER BY BookTitle;
│ BookTitle │
│ varchar │
│ 2034: A Novel of the Next World War │
│ A Deadly Education │
│ A Half-Built Garden │
│ · │
│ · │
│ · │
│ When McKinsey Comes to Town │
│ White Fragility │
│ 60 rows (5 shown) │

Query: List all books and chapters

.maxrows 10
CAST (VolumeIndex AS INT) AS VolumeIndex
FROM content
AND MimeType != 'application/xhtml+xml'
ORDER BY BookTitle, VolumeIndex;
│ BookTitle │ Title │ VolumeIndex │
│ varchar │ varchar │ int32 │
│ 2034: A Novel of the Next World War │ Cover │ 0 │
│ 2034: A Novel of the Next World War │ Also by Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis │ 1 │
│ 2034: A Novel of the Next World War │ Title Page │ 2 │
│ 2034: A Novel of the Next World War │ Copyright │ 3 │
│ 2034: A Novel of the Next World War │ Epigraph │ 4 │
│ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │
│ White Fragility │ 12. Where Do We Go from Here? │ 18 │
│ White Fragility │ Resources for Continuing Education │ 19 │
│ White Fragility │ Acknowledgments │ 20 │
│ White Fragility │ Notes │ 21 │
│ White Fragility │ Copyright │ 22 │
│ 2585 rows (10 shown) 3 columns │

Query: List all highlights and annotations

All of your text highlights can be found in Bookmark.Text. If you left a note within that highlight, it can be found in Bookmark.Annotation. Using a join, you can enrich the Bookmark table with info about the book and chapter.

.maxrows 10
c.Title AS ChapterTitle,
FROM Bookmark AS b
LEFT JOIN content AS c on b.ContentID = c.ContentID
WHERE b.Type = 'highlight' OR b.Type ='note'
ORDER BY c.BookTitle, b.ChapterProgress;
│ BookTitle │ ChapterTitle │ DateCreated │ Text │ Annotation │ Type │ ChapterProgress │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ Artificial Condition │ Chapter Seven │ 2023-12-27T13:14:0… │ In the creche, our moms always said that fear was an arti… │ │ highlight │ 0.712765957446809 │
│ INSPIRED: How to C… │ Key Responsibilities │ 2024-04-04T05:38:2… │ \n At one level, the responsibilities of the product mana… │ │ highlight │ 0.180602 │
│ INSPIRED: How to C… │ Deep Knowledge of … │ 2024-04-04T05:38:5… │ To summarize, these are the four critical contributions y… │ │ highlight │ 0.190635 │
│ INSPIRED: How to C… │ CHAPTER 33: Princi… │ 2024-04-04T05:40:4… │ The purpose of product discovery is to address these crit… │ │ highlight │ 0.511706 │
│ INSPIRED: How to C… │ CHAPTER 35: Opport… │ 2024-04-04T05:42:2… │ An opportunity assessment is an extremely simple techniqu… │ │ highlight │ 0.551839 │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │ · │
│ Some People Need K… │ Chapter 2: The Sur… │ 2024-01-02T06:22:4… │ Four months later, President McKinley demanded that Filip… │ │ highlight │ 0.0704607046070461 │
│ There Must Be a Po… │ Epilogue │ 2024-05-20T15:25:2… │ . As a generator of instant wealth, the Net may now be a … │ │ highlight │ 0.933333333333333 │
│ │ │ 2023-07-20T05:59:4… │ Cesar │ │ highlight │ 0.517241379310345 │
│ │ │ 2023-07-20T05:59:5… │ —\n\t\t\tSome ICE staffers were growing frustrated with │ │ highlight │ 0.517241379310345 │
│ │ │ 2023-08-06T07:52:0… │ looking for is how much we can see, how we would log things │ │ highlight │ 0.806451612903226 │
│ 29 rows (10 shown) 7 columns │

Exporting Data

DuckDB simplifies exporting data into various formats. After determining the appropriate query to find all highlights and annotations for the completed book, I exported the information to a CSV file. This allowed me to easily copy and paste the table into Notion for further review and note-taking.

c.Title AS ChapterTitle,
FROM Bookmark AS b
LEFT JOIN content AS c on b.ContentID = c.ContentID
WHERE b.Type = 'highlight' OR b.Type ='note'
ORDER BY c.BookTitle, b.ChapterProgress
) TO 'highlights.csv' (HEADER, DELIMITER ',');