Using nushell with kubectl

August 3, 2024

I recently discovered nushell. It is similar to shells like bash and zsh, but every command works on structured data. Here are some examples of how you can use nushell with kubectl to explore your kubernetes cluster more ergonomically.

kubectl get pods

“Normal” kubectl get pods looks like this.

kubectl get pods

NAME                                 READY   STATUS              RESTARTS      AGE
grafana-alloy-tqb7l                  2/2     Running             0             2d14h
grafana-alloy-tlwm9                  2/2     Running             0             2d14h
prometheus-server-659b75c446-nzxbp   0/2     ContainerCreating   0             10h
grafana-79c45cd5f9-jpr6k             0/1     Init:0/1            0             10h
grafana-alloy-tlrvl                  2/2     Running             6 (68m ago)   2d14h
kube-state-metrics-6965d77b4-jzvlb   1/1     Running             3 (68m ago)   2d14h
grafana-alloy-97c8n                  2/2     Running             6 (68m ago)   2d14h

You can use nushell to parse this data into a tabular format. The trick is to have kubectl respond with json, and then use nushell to parse the json.

kubectl get pods -o json | from json
 apiVersion v1
 items [table 20 rows]
 kind List
 metadata {record 1 field}

From there, you can build more complex queries.

kubectl get pods -o json | from json | get items | flatten | select apiVersion kind name namespace creationTimestamp

 # │ apiVersion │ kind │                name                │ namespace  │  creationTimestamp   │
 0 v1 Pod grafana-alloy-tqb7l monitoring 2024-07-12T01:49:46Z
 1 v1 Pod grafana-alloy-tlwm9 monitoring 2024-07-12T01:49:46Z
 2 v1 Pod prometheus-server-659b75c446-nzxbp monitoring 2024-07-14T06:24:25Z
 3 v1 Pod grafana-79c45cd5f9-jpr6k monitoring 2024-07-14T06:24:25Z
 4 v1 Pod grafana-alloy-tlrvl monitoring 2024-07-12T01:49:46Z
 5 v1 Pod kube-state-metrics-6965d77b4-jzvlb monitoring 2024-07-12T01:46:58Z
 6 v1 Pod grafana-alloy-97c8n monitoring 2024-07-12T01:49:46Z

One challenge is that when you kubectl returns json, there is a lot of data. You can use the nushell columns command to understand all of the columns that are available.

kubectl get pods -o json | from json | get items | flatten | columns

  0 apiVersion
  1 kind
  2 annotations
  3 creationTimestamp
  4 generateName
  5 labels
  6 name
  7 namespace
  8 ownerReferences
  9 resourceVersion
 10 uid
 11 affinity
 12 containers
 13 dnsPolicy
 14 enableServiceLinks
 15 nodeName
 16 preemptionPolicy
 17 priority
 18 restartPolicy
 19 schedulerName
 20 securityContext
 21 serviceAccount
 22 serviceAccountName
 23 terminationGracePeriodSeconds
 24 tolerations
 25 volumes
 26 conditions
 27 containerStatuses
 28 hostIP
 29 hostIPs
 30 phase
 31 podIP
 32 podIPs
 33 qosClass
 34 startTime
 35 automountServiceAccountToken
 36 initContainers
 37 initContainerStatuses

Now that we have access to this metadata, we can do all sorts of interesting queries on our data.


Sort by the created date.

# Get the oldest pods
kubectl get pods -Ao json | from json | get items | flatten | sort-by creationTimestamp | select kind name namespace creationTimestamp | first 5

 # │ kind │                 name                 │      namespace       │  creationTimestamp   │
 0 Pod coredns-59b4f5bbd5-nswpf kube-system 2023-06-19T23:00:16Z
 1 Pod debug-7b578644b5-mkv6d default 2023-06-22T21:53:34Z
 2 Pod api-6bfbf64b59-gqf4w default 2024-01-19T02:54:50Z
 3 Pod homer-d58596598-8jkfn default 2024-05-15T13:35:12Z
 4 Pod kubernetes-dashboard-64d75468c-pzcsx kubernetes-dashboard 2024-05-15T13:35:12Z

# Get the newest pods
kubectl get pods -Ao json | from json | get items | flatten | sort-by creationTimestamp --reverse | select kind name namespace creationTimestamp | first 5

 # │ kind │                        name                         │    namespace    │  creationTimestamp   │
 0 Pod instance-manager-e-0ca1593f370359a01871d9fdfe0dae2f longhorn-system 2024-07-14T15:33:19Z
 1 Pod instance-manager-r-0ca1593f370359a01871d9fdfe0dae2f longhorn-system 2024-07-14T15:33:19Z
 2 Pod instance-manager-e-2624c5ccb0ea251f9017c48e42e2996b longhorn-system 2024-07-14T15:33:16Z
 3 Pod instance-manager-r-2624c5ccb0ea251f9017c48e42e2996b longhorn-system 2024-07-14T15:33:16Z
 4 Pod longhorn-driver-deployer-9d85f7675-q45zx longhorn-system 2024-07-14T06:29:08Z

Yes, it is true that you could do all of this with kubectl, but I can never remember the correct way to use jsonpath and/or jq. I find the nushell syntax a lot easier to work with.


Get all of the pods created in June.

kubectl get pods -Ao json | from json | get items | flatten | select kind name namespace creationTimestamp | into datetime creationTimestamp | insert month { $in.creationTimestamp | date to-record | get month } | where month == 6 | first 5

 # │ kind │               name               │    namespace    │ creationTimestamp │ month │
 0 Pod longhorn-csi-plugin-jmtdf longhorn-system a month ago     6
 1 Pod longhorn-csi-plugin-nl8ls longhorn-system a month ago     6
 2 Pod csi-resizer-6ddc566bd6-lvzjk longhorn-system a month ago     6
 3 Pod csi-attacher-6fd696d46d-88qc5 longhorn-system a month ago     6
 4 Pod csi-provisioner-7797d44fd9-5hwft longhorn-system a month ago     6

This is pretty verbose. But, I like that I can read the command and pretty easily parse out what is happening. I am also very new to nushell, so there is probably a more efficient way to do this.

Wrap up

Hopefully this post gives you an idea of how nushell can help you interact with your Kubernetes cluster. As I come across more handy snippets I will update this blog post with them.